Ine JOnes, L.AC.

Meet the Founder
Meet the Founder

Ine JOnes, L.AC.

Hi, I'm Ine Jones, founder of Gentle Living Healing Arts Center. I came to discover the powers of yoga and chinese medicine through my own journey with PCOS and chronic illness. Now, as a licensed acupuncturist, my mission is to share the healing paths that transformed my life and I'm thrilled to be able to support others on their journey towards vibrant wellbeing. At Gentle Living, we offer a retreat from the "fight or flight" of daily life, offering a variety of practices to nurture your body and unlock your inner healer. Join us on a journey to rediscover your body's natural healing power.

A gentle Approach to healing

Our Services

At Gentle Living Healing Arts Center, our mission goes beyond mere treatment; we're here to nurture your total well-being. We provide you with a tailored toolbox that equips you with the precise resources to take charge of your health. Our goal is to create a supportive space where you can seamlessly shift from feeling disempowered on your health journey to feeling fully empowered to take care of yourself.

We envision a world where individuals are empowered to take charge of their well-being, discovering their unique pathway to radiant health.

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For Women, by Women

Who we help

Who we help

If you are looking for holistic options for health challenges related to your:
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Fertility
  • Pregnancy
  • Post-partum
  •  Peri-menopause.

At Gentle Living, we're dedicated to supporting women at every age and stage of life. Recognizing the unique challenges women face and the significant impact of our many roles in the home and the workplace, we see women as pivotal influencers in the health and well-being of their families and communities. Our goal is to empower women to become health leaders, providing holistic support and knowledge to navigate the complexities of life — the rhythms of our menstrual cycles, the transitions into motherhood, the demands of our careers, the responsibilities of caring for our families, the need to care for ourselves, the work of building and maintaining relationships, the transformations of menopause and the desire to fulfill our purpose.

We understand that society often overlooks the specific needs of women, and we aim to change that narrative by offering a sanctuary that caters to these needs. Our mission is to be a guiding light through every rite of passage a woman experiences, equipping you with holistic wisdom and practical tools to heal, thrive and be well.


"I am so happy to share my experience. After giving birth in 2022 I ended up with terrible back pain from the epidural. Ine introduced me to acupuncture... two sessions with her and the pain subsided."


Gentle Living Healing Arts Center

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Wellness Blog

Tips and education about acupuncture and women's health

The quick and simple answer is that qi is vital energy. However, the reality is that there is always some more explaining to do when it comes to the concept of qi.

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Holistic Health