You are strong

The CliNic

At Gentle Living Healing Arts Center, we’re all about helping you find peace in the chaos and turning stressful days into moments of calm. Our approach is centered around giving you the tools to take care of yourself, no matter how busy life gets. We believe that real healing starts with you. Learning to listen to your body and picking up wellness skills is key, and we're here to help you do just that. So, welcome aboard! We’re excited to be with you on this journey to feeling your best from the inside-out.

Our mission is to empower women at any stage of life to discover their unique pathway to radiant health and wellbeing.

Ine Jones, L.Ac., M.Ac.

Meet The FOUnder

Hello there, I'm Ine Jones, and it’s a joy to welcome you to Gentle Living Healing Arts Center.

My own path towards healing began in my early twenties. While training to be a respiratory therapist, I battled with ulcers, irregular periods, and a diagnosis of PCOS that I carried since childhood. By 30, life felt like an unending mid-life crisis, with my symptoms at their worst.

I remember feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and close to giving up hope. But life has a way of introducing us to just what we need, and for me, that was yoga. It wasn’t just exercise; it became my gateway to a new world of health, leading me to the wisdom of Ayurveda and the potential of alternative healing practices.

At 35, I took a life-changing leap to study Chinese Medicine and qualify as a licensed acupuncturist. This wasn’t just about education; it was about shedding the weight of medical labels and truly understanding my body. This understanding brought me to a healing that I hadn't found in Western medicine alone. It was a moment of profound transformation, a peak in my health journey.

The idea for a healing center took a real form in 2022, inspired by an eye-opening trip to Kenya and Zanzibar. "Gentle Living" emerged from this experience, encapsulating my holistic vision for health.

My vision for Gentle Living is both clear and deeply meaningful: to open diverse pathways of healing tailored to your unique needs and preferences. It's about more than just treatment; it's about helping you discover and connect with practices that truly resonate with you, fostering a deeper, more intuitive understanding of your body and its needs.

At the heart of my approach is a commitment to guiding  you away from the relentless 'fight or flight' response that so often dominates our lives, and towards achieving a state of genuine healing and balance, where every aspect of your well-being is nurtured.

Whether you're taking your first steps towards health or are further along on your path, I am honored to be able to provide the holistic education, resources, and tools essential for unlocking your body's remarkable ability to heal itself.

We envision a world where individuals are empowered to take charge of their well-being, discovering their unique pathway to radiant health. In this world, we can shift from merely surviving to fully thriving, all by fostering a deep connection with our body's innate capacity to heal itself.

Gentle Living Healing Arts Center

Tour Our Center

Take a peek at our community healing room.

"Ine is truly gifted, intuitive and compassionate. I tried everything to find a cure for my migraines, nothing was working until I came across Ine’s work and guidance. I’m forever grateful and I can’t wait until my next appointment!"

Courtney K.

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